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6 considerations regarding spinal cord injuries

On Behalf of | Mar 29, 2017 | Injuries |

Car accidents, sports accidents and a host of other incidents can lead to spinal cord injuries. These injuries impact every aspect of the victim’s life. In many cases, these injuries continue to impact the victim for years to come. Victims of spinal cord injuries and their family members might want to remember these six points.

#1: Not all injuries result in paralysis

Some spinal cord injuries paralyze the victim, but this isn’t always the case. Some spinal cord injuries might impact various systems of the victim’s body but not others. Typically, complete injuries can lead to paralysis below the level of the injury. Incomplete injuries won’t lead to paralysis in most cases. Even when paralysis isn’t present, the victim can still suffer from complications like trouble breathing, pain, difficulty with elimination and limited mobility. The pain alone of a spinal cord injury can greatly impact your life by making it hard to do normal, daily activities.

#2: The level of the injury is important

The level of the injury plays a huge part in how much the spinal cord injury impacts the victim. The effects of the injury, such as paralysis, usually occur below the level of the injury. For example, you wouldn’t suffer arm paralysis if the injury was in the lumbar, or lower back, region. This means higher level injuries have more serious effects on the victim.

#3: You might need lifelong care

Lifelong care is necessary in severe spinal cord injury cases. This care might include medical treatments and personal care. You might need help with remaining mobile, eating, getting dressed and almost every aspect of life.

#4: Expenses go beyond medical care

The expenses of spinal cord injuries go far beyond medical care. You might need to modify your home or vehicle to accommodate a wheelchair or other mobility device. Transportation expenses, therapy and other aspects of life might be more expensive after your injury. This increase in expenses is considered an expense of the injury. Additionally, you might have to stop working. That loss of income is another repercussion to suffer.

#5: Your family might suffer

Your family can suffer because of your injury. The time they must spend in the hospital with you and the loss of having you participate in various activities like you did before the accident will have a major emotional impact on them. The psychological toll of dealing with your injury and thinking about your health can also affect them.

#6: Compensation might be possible

You can seek compensation for a spinal cord injury if another person’s negligence is the cause of the accident. Your claim for compensation can help you to afford medical care, pay your regular bills and cover other damages you must endure because of the injury.


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