After seeing a 40-year high in 2021, pedestrian deaths rose 5% in the first half of 2022. The latest analysis from the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) shows that a dubious decade-long trend shows no signs of slowing down. From January to June last year,...
Pedestrian Accidents
Bike fatalities have increased in recent years in California. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 455 cyclists died in traffic accidents from 2016 to 2018. This was the highest number of traffic deaths of any three-year period in 25...
In 2019 traffic deaths soared to 29 traffic fatalities as law enforcement fell. A dramatic drop in tickets issued to drivers by San Francisco police led to many unnecessary deaths in 2019. There were too many unfilled vacancies in the police departments traffic...
Pedestrian Advocates Honor Bay Area Residents Killed in Pedestrian Accidents
On Sunday, November 15, 2020, a solemn ceremony took place at the San Francisco City Hall. The steps were lined with 187 pairs of shoes, representing a Bay Area resident whose life ended in a traffic accident. The mourners placed flowers by the shoes in memory of...
Pedestrian injuries and deaths cause for alarm in California
A driver allegedly under the influence plowed his car into four men, who were standing on the sidewalk outside a home in East Oakland in late March. One died, while the others injured. Authorities captured the driver, arrested on charges of vehicular manslaughter,...
Will Pedestrian Deaths Drop Due To COVID-19?
U.S. pedestrians died in increased record numbers last year. The 6,590 pedestrian deaths in 2019 in the U.S. made it the deadliest year since 1992. Will these numbers shrink in 2020 because of the stay at home requirements caused by COVID-19? Also, San Francisco,...
Pedestrian Deaths Hit a 28-Year High in 2018
Pedestrian deaths in the U.S. hit a 28 year high in 2018 according to the Governor's Highway Safety Association. The number of pedestrian deaths involving SUVs increased by 50 percent from 2013 through 2017 and the number of pedestrian deaths caused by passenger cars...
Fatal Pedestrian Accidents are Increasing
Pedestrian deaths are increasing nationally and are surging in San Francisco. Nationally, pedestrian deaths increased ten percent in 2015. San Francisco is California's most dangerous City for pedestrians. Fifty percent of all traffic deaths in San Francisco are...