Having a spouse in a skilled trade like construction can benefit your family. You may enjoy a higher standard of living because of the income they bring home. Unfortunately, the excellent wages and job security available in the construction trade come at it cost. The...
Construction Accidents
Living with a spinal cord injury from a construction accident
The construction industry is dangerous, as there are numerous hazards that workers face daily. One serious injury that can occur from falls is a spinal cord injury, which often leaves one paralyzed from the waist, or the neck, down. According to the Mayo Clinic, most...
Watch out for these workplace hazards
Working on a construction site in Oakland can be very dangerous, even for the most experienced construction worker. In fact, the construction industry typically has one of the highest rates of workplace injuries when compared to other industries. This is why workplace...
Catastrophic Falls From Construction Scaffolds
When a construction worker falls from a scaffold, the accident is usually catastrophic. The injuries are life-changing and many times are fatal. The Department of Labor has estimated that 65 percent of the construction industry perform their work using scaffolds.Most...