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Can a spinal cord injury eventually heal?

On Behalf of | Feb 25, 2023 | Injuries |

Spinal cord injuries frighten the average person. People don’t like to imagine the loss of their sensation or motor function. They question how they could adapt to the mobility limitations and lifestyle changes resulting from such an injury.

People think of a catastrophic spinal cord injury as the likely end of their career and as a source of financial devastation. They also worry about whether they could afford the care required to maintain a decent standard of living after such an injury. One of the reasons that people fear spinal cord injuries so deeply is that they believe there is no possibility of recovery after damage to the spinal cord.

Some injuries respond to surgery and therapy

A complete spinal injury that severs the spinal cord will have a permanent impact on someone’s physical sensation and motor function. Scientific advances have created hope for those with complete spinal cord injuries, but there is still a long way to go with such cutting-edge therapies before they become widely available.

Currently, only patients with incomplete spinal cord injuries are likely to recover function or sensation in their affected body parts. The placement of the injury, as well as the resources of the individual, will determine what treatment options they have.

People who can afford rehabilitative support, surgery and frequent physical therapy can sometimes improve their motor function and partially recover from an incomplete spinal cord injury. Even with interventions, an incomplete spinal cord injury will typically result in a lifetime of medical care requirements and may require changes in employment, housing and other areas of life.

Long-term costs can exceed basic insurance

Those coping with hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical bills and months of time off of work may turn to insurance to help cover their costs. Sadly, basic coverage with $15,000 in injury liability protection may not be sufficient to adequately reimburse someone with a spinal cord injury.

As a result, injury victims may need to consider lawsuits against those whose negligence, recklessness or intentionally dangerous actions caused their harm. Looking into every option to cover medical costs and replace wages can benefit those adjusting to life with a spinal cord injury.


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