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The importance of seat belts in traffic collisions

On Behalf of | Feb 13, 2024 | Motor Vehicle Accidents |

When a traffic collision occurs, those involved can suffer devastating consequences. From broken bones to lost lives, these accidents often have serious repercussions. It is important for drivers and passengers to take steps to stay safe on the road.

Seat belts are one of the most effective safety measures when it comes to motor vehicle accidents. It is vital to understand why they are so important.

Protection from impact

During a collision, seat belts keep occupants securely in their seats, preventing them from becoming thrown around or ejected from the vehicle. This significantly reduces the risk of severe injuries or fatalities. Seat belts distribute the force of impact across the strongest parts of the body, such as the chest and pelvis. This helps to minimize injuries to vital organs and fragile bones.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that over half of those between 13 and 54 who lost their lives in traffic collisions during 2021 were not wearing seat belts when the accidents occurred.

Preventing secondary collisions

In multi-vehicle accidents, occupants who are not wearing seat belts may become thrown into other passengers, causing additional injuries. Seat belts can prevent this secondary collision from occurring. Wearing seat belts also sets a positive example for passengers, especially children. When adults prioritize safety and buckle up, it reinforces the importance of seat belt use for everyone in the vehicle.

In many jurisdictions, wearing seat belts is mandatory. Failing to do so can result in fines and penalties. Remember to wear a seat belt correctly, with the lap belt securely across the pelvis and the shoulder belt crossing the chest and over the shoulder. All passengers, regardless of their age or seating position, must stay properly restrained for maximum safety.


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