Tenacious Advocacy For The Injured

Images of the business cards of attorneys Knowles and Van Blois

$775,000 Settlement – Construction Worker Dies From Fall From Scaffold

A construction worker was required to remove the false work beneath a concrete bridge deck at a height of twelve feet above rocks below. He was not provided a life line, harness and there were no railings or safety nets or other safety devices. He fell from the planks he was standing on to perform his work sustaining severe injuries that caused his death. The construction project was the Valley Avenue bridge at Arroyo Del Valle in Pleasanton, California. We represented his family against several defendants who could have required his employer to provide safety devices. In California, a worker cannot sue his employer for negligence because Workers Compensation laws have been enacted to compensate workers. Since Workers Compensation benefits do not adequately compensate workers for their employers’ negligence, we will pursue other defendants called third parties who are responsible for the unsafe condition to achieve full compensation for our clients.